Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Victims: Reactions: Narratives:

Victims: Reactions:

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Caribbean History

First-Person Narratives: The History of Mary Prince

[Site] U.S. History

First-Person Narratives: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Secondary Sources

[Info] Foster, Frances. »"In Respect to Females...": Differences in the Portrayals of Women by Male and Female Narrators.« Black American Literature Forum 15 (1981): 66-70.

[Info] Foster, Frances. Witnessing Slavery: The Development of Ante-Bellum Slave Narratives. Madison 1994.

[Info] Schreiber, Kayla. »Gendered Politics of Sexual Exploitation in American Slave Narratives.« 34th Annual Conference on American Literature. Boston 2023.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Greek History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Hantzaroula, Pothiti. »Public Discourses on Sexuality and Narratives of Sexual Violence of Domestic Servants in Greece (1880-1950).« Journal of Mediterranean Studies 18 (2010): 283-310.

[Site] Spanish History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Lafon, Jean-Marc. »Les violences sexuelles en Espagne (1808-1814): ce que révèlent les témoignages.« Bulletin Hispanique 108 (2006): 555-575.